Information on delivery
Delivery within Switzerland is by insured DHL parcel with tracking number. Shipping costs start at 4,99 CHF.
Delivery to the European Union (Belgium, Bulgaria, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (except Faroe Islands, Greenland), Estonia, Finland (except Aland Islands), France (except Overseas Territories and Departments), Greece (except Mount Athos), Hungary, Ireland, Italy (except Livigno and Campione d'Italia), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands (except Non-European Territories), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla), Sweden, Great Britain (except Channel Islands) is by insured DHL parcel with tracking number. Shipping costs start from 13,99 CHF.
Instructions for dispatch abroad
Shipment always takes place from Switzerland. Customs duties, taxes and fees may apply when delivered from Switzerland to other countries, which are not included in the displayed basic price.
Delivery times
Unless otherwise stated, the delivery times are to be taken from the corresponding product description. If several items are ordered at the same time, the delivery time of the entire order is always based on the item with the longest delivery time. Please note that the delivery time is always to be calculated from the date of receipt of payment.
Information on payment methods
PayPal Plus
The payment must be received within a maximum of 5 working days (after receipt of the order confirmation by mail), otherwise the order must be cancelled.